Okay, so if you see the date of the last (and first?!?!) post, you can see how great I am at keeping up with these things! Ah, well. Life goes on, right?
And so it does.
Fast forward...we now have *2* boys! Braylen Cade was born on April 30, 2010 and is the (other) light of my life. I'll have to post his birthstory soon. :o)
Ryger is a wonderful, loving, energetic, ALL-BOY child at 2.5 years old. He cracks me up on a daily basis and amazes me at the things he remembers. He has now started telling me stories of things that happened. Like today, he told me all about how he sat on the potty while Daddy read him a book about the ABC's and then he washed his hands and is now ready for night-night. I love this kid.
And he loves his little brother. I could watch them play for hours. Ryger is so sweet, so loving toward Braylen, and Braylen absolutely lights up the second he sees Ryger. I see them being close growing up. I'm sure they'll have their fights, but I think (hope) that they will have a long, lasting relationship. They are brothers, after all...
Braylen is almost 5 months old, an absolute JOY to be around. This kid doesn't cry a second unless he's hungry and I'm a little slow on the feeding or unless he's tired and fighting a nap. He doesn't give a warning, either. Some kinds like to start fussing before going into a full-out cry, but not my kid! It's "hey, life is good...OMG FEED MEEEEE!!!!"
They keep me on my toes, that's for sure.
But I love it.