I was fixing supper tonight while Ryger and Braylen played in the living room. (Before anyone freaks out and thinks I was neglecting the boys, the living room is open to the kitchen...) All of a sudden, I heard Braylen let out this high-pitched squeal/cry. I whirled around, thinking that Ryger had gotten a little too vigorous with his affection for his brother, as he often does. Actually, Ryger wasn't even in the room, and Braylen was wedged between the couch and the plastic bin that holds some of their toys. I use that bin to block off the end table that holds everything from old magazines to candles, to other random stuff that no 9 month old baby needs. So I go over and lift Braylen up, set him down next to his toys, and go back to dinner.
After the incident, I was zoned out in the kitchen thinking about what had just happened and it occurred to me, yet again, that God blesses us with parenthood in order to allow us to understand our relationship with Him a bit more. There are so many parallels between the parent/child relationship and the God/Christian relationship that sometimes I am utterly amazed...
Braylen, who had been placed in a safe spot and given all that he needed to entertain himself for a few minutes, decided that wasn't good enough for him. He wanted to explore. During the course of this exploration, he found himself stuck in a situation that he couldn't get out of. So what did he do? He called for his mommy. And his mommy promptly came and pulled him out of his sticky situation. Now, I'm sure, since I had to walk in from the kitchen, that I didn't get to him quite as soon as he would have liked. I'm pretty sure there was a few seconds where he wondered if I was coming, since I didn't say anything while I was on my way. But, I did rescued him. And when I rescued him, I lifted him up, gave him a big hug, and lots of little kisses on his nose, set him back where he needed to be, and we both went about our business.
How often do we, as Children of God, become bored with the blessings that He gave us? How often do we go around looking for something "more" or "better" than what He has provided? How often do we find ourselves in a situation that is unpleasant, and end up begging Him to "fix" it?
Pretty often. Hey, we're only human, right?
But the point to all of this is that He is faithful to forgive us and set things right. (1 John 1:9) He hears our calls of desperation and, even thought it may not be as soon as we think it should be, He rescues us and sets us back on the right path. How awesome is that?!?!
I want to finish this with a youtube video of a song by Lifehouse performed by a church youth group. This skit makes me cry every time I see it. I'm talking big, crocodile tears of joy and amazement that there is a God who loves me THAT MUCH! I don't deserve it and Heaven knows that I've done plenty to make myself UN-deserving of it. But that doesn't matter to God. All He sees is his daughter....someone he loves so much that He sent His only Son to die for me. (That concept amazes me in and of itself. I certainly don't love anyone enough to willingly send one of my kids to die for them. But that's a whole new blog. I digress.) Anyway, enjoy the skit. And have a blessed day. <3