Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time flies....

Okay, so despite my well-intentioned promise to keep up with this thing,
I've obviously not been doing a very good job at it. :o)


So, in order to keep the natives happy (And by natives, I do mean you, Tami!!! LOL),
I'm going to give this thing yet another attempt.

I'll start tomorrow. ha!

No, really, Braylen had his shots yesterday and some kind of mixture of shots plus teething resulted in him having a 102-103 degree temperature all night. No amount of tylenol would bring it down. My poor baby. He was up and down all night long, about every hour or so. And if he was awake, so was I. (Of course.) Cheers to my darling husband, who willingly took over baby duty this morning so I could get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. But I'm still dragging tail,
so I'm headed to beddy bye.

But I can't go without a cute picture. So here you go.

Luvs ~n~ Huggies.
(and yes, for those of you who are looking a the screen with a confused
look and your head cocked to the side...
Luvs and Huggies are both brands of diapers.)


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


About 2 weeks-ish before I had Braylen, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt my thumb on my left hand pop. But it wasn't really my thumb...I felt it down in my wrist. Ever since then, I've had wrist pain. One day, it gave out on me while I was picking Braylen up out of his crib and I dropped him! It was only a few inches and he landed on his mattress, but that was the final straw for me. I bit the bullet and went to the doctor.

An x-ray and about an hour later I had a diagnosis.


I was given a cream to rub on it. (Which wasn't covered by my insurance. And considering I'm not made of money, I could find something better to spend $150 on!)

I was also given a prescription for pills to take. BUT since I was nursing, I couldn't take those either.

So I pretty much toughed it out and the pain started slowly going away. The past few days, though, it's been hurting more than usual. I (playfully) smacked Shannon on the arm yesterday (he deserved it, I promise!) and just about cried because it hurt so bad. Today, I have a bruise on my wrist, right where the pain is.

Tendinitis doesn't leave bruises.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Fall!

Ah...that was the best picture I could get of the two of them. :o)

My little Monkey and Banana! <3
They won the "cutest costume" prize at our church's
Fall Harvest Fest this past weekend.
I was pretty excited.

Guess what?
It's FALL!!!!!
I'm pretty excited about that, too.

We've been doing all sorts of fall activities around here.
I'm teaching Ryger about the change of seasons
so he will tell you that when the leaves change colors
and fall down...
it's Fall!

He's adorable and I love him. :o)

We've also roasted pumpkin seeds.
Which Ryger absolutely loved.
(Making AND eating them.)

And, of course, Braylen is keeping me on my toes.
He's growing so fast!
I can't keep up.

How cute is he? :o)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Down Go Boom?

Ryger fell out of his bed last night for the first time since we converted it from a crib to a toddler bed. Shannon, Steven, and I were sitting in the living room and heard a thump. We thought it was Cotton, who was chilling out on the front porch, until we heard a little cry coming from Ryger's room. Poor kid had somehow managed to slide out of the middle of the guard rails. He was fine, of course, and back asleep within 10 minutes. (Thanks to Daddy's cuddles and belly rubs.)

It kinda makes me nervous to know that we had just bought him a raised twin bed for his birthday. You know, the kind with a ladder with the play area under it? Yeahhhh...

Let's hope he gets all the falling out of his system before his birthday...

Friday, October 1, 2010

5 months old already???

Braylen Cade is 5 months old!

My sweet baby boy is growing so fast, I can't keep up with him. He amazes me every day learning something new. I'm so in love with this kid!

A few stats on my big boy...

***He is still nursing like CRAZY, every 3 hours during the day.

***After turning his nose up (and making the most pitiful faces imaginable) when trying rice and oatmeal cereal, he has decided that avocado is his best friend. He eats about 1/4 of the avocado every morning.

***He started taking Zantac for his spitting up issues and has gone from spitting up tablespoons at a time to barely spitting a little trickle. (He'll still get you good from time to time though, so always be armed with a burp rag! )

*** He sleeps from about 9-9:30 pm until around 3-4 am, eats, then goes back down until about 7-8. I can usually get him to sleep again until 10-ish.

*** My little chunky-butt wears comfortably 3-6 month clothes, but has been known to rock out in 6-9 months if he so chooses. (Or if it's the first outfit I grab out of the drawer...either way...)

*** He can roll both ways, but is better at rolling from his back to his tummy....or he just likes being on his tummy, maybe? He sits up for probably a minute or so at a time before falling over.

***He LOVES his little activity chair (see above picture). Considering the chair will convert to a booster seat for the table, I think it's well worth it.

*** He is a very happy baby and loves to blow raspberries....usually while eating. :-p

P.S. I actually started this post yesterday, on his actual birthday, but it never got posted. So better a day late than never at all, I guess! :o)

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Okay, so if you see the date of the last (and first?!?!) post, you can see how great I am at keeping up with these things! Ah, well. Life goes on, right?

And so it does.


Fast forward...we now have *2* boys! Braylen Cade was born on April 30, 2010 and is the (other) light of my life. I'll have to post his birthstory soon. :o)

Ryger is a wonderful, loving, energetic, ALL-BOY child at 2.5 years old. He cracks me up on a daily basis and amazes me at the things he remembers. He has now started telling me stories of things that happened. Like today, he told me all about how he sat on the potty while Daddy read him a book about the ABC's and then he washed his hands and is now ready for night-night. I love this kid.

And he loves his little brother. I could watch them play for hours. Ryger is so sweet, so loving toward Braylen, and Braylen absolutely lights up the second he sees Ryger. I see them being close growing up. I'm sure they'll have their fights, but I think (hope) that they will have a long, lasting relationship. They are brothers, after all...

Braylen is almost 5 months old, an absolute JOY to be around. This kid doesn't cry a second unless he's hungry and I'm a little slow on the feeding or unless he's tired and fighting a nap. He doesn't give a warning, either. Some kinds like to start fussing before going into a full-out cry, but not my kid! It's "hey, life is good...OMG FEED MEEEEE!!!!"

They keep me on my toes, that's for sure.

But I love it.