Wednesday, October 27, 2010


About 2 weeks-ish before I had Braylen, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt my thumb on my left hand pop. But it wasn't really my thumb...I felt it down in my wrist. Ever since then, I've had wrist pain. One day, it gave out on me while I was picking Braylen up out of his crib and I dropped him! It was only a few inches and he landed on his mattress, but that was the final straw for me. I bit the bullet and went to the doctor.

An x-ray and about an hour later I had a diagnosis.


I was given a cream to rub on it. (Which wasn't covered by my insurance. And considering I'm not made of money, I could find something better to spend $150 on!)

I was also given a prescription for pills to take. BUT since I was nursing, I couldn't take those either.

So I pretty much toughed it out and the pain started slowly going away. The past few days, though, it's been hurting more than usual. I (playfully) smacked Shannon on the arm yesterday (he deserved it, I promise!) and just about cried because it hurt so bad. Today, I have a bruise on my wrist, right where the pain is.

Tendinitis doesn't leave bruises.


1 comment:

  1. $150 for a freaking cream!! I would not have paid that either. Holy smokes. Maybe try wearing one of those wrist support bracelets. Maybe that will help.
